Data & Resources

The SECURe project used, produced and analysed a vast amount of data in a wide range of formats and types. The data generated during the project included site data (measurements conducted in the laboratory or in the field), simulation data (data produced by numerical simulations performed using specialised software) and research data (reports on technologies, guidelines, new methodologies). These data provide a long-lasting legacy for the project.

Where possible, these data have been stored in various open-access data repositories and are available for future re-use, or they will be made available after an embargo period (for example, due to a peer-review process for a publication). The remaining data have been kept confidential or available on demand by the authors due for reasons such as containing third party data. In addition, various third party datasets were also used during the project (including both open access and restricted access data).

These datasets are listed below. Links to the data are included where available.

For more information, also see D3.9 Integrated data platform for multisource multiscale sensor data.

Partner Dataset Category Access Data Link Data Archive
HWU Numerical stress-permeability relationships for mud-rock fracture networks using fracpack with the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox Research/Simulation Open Access  Bitbucket
INiG - PIB Field and lab measurement data concerning sampling and analyses of physico-chemical, isotope and phase behaviour properties of Borzecin reservoir fluids, injected gas and soil gas Site Restricted The raw data haven't been uploaded anywhere. Processed data are included in SECURe Deliverable D2.2 N/A
INiG - PIB BORZECIN_MODELS: Geological, geomechanical, and dynamical simulation models of the Borzęcin structure  Site/Simulation Restricted. The simulation models are not available for the public due to the restricted character of the input data obtained from the Borzęcin reservoir operator: PGNiG S.A. Details regarding the numerical modeling, input data and simulation results can be found in the article published in Energies (
The abbreviated input data and simulation results are available in the article cited above and in the Deliverable D2.2 of SECURe project – the availability information of more detailed data and the data themselves can be obtained from the Department of the Reservoir Simulations of INiG-PIB.
TNO Oklahoma flow and seismicity Simulation Open Access To be uploaded NGDC/UKCCSRC
TNO Simulation of seismicity for injection operations near an injection well Research Open Access N/A
TNO Probabilistic well integrity numerical simulations for a shale gas and CO2 injection well Simulation N/A There is no need to make results of each well integrity simulation publicly available. Instead, procedures to re-generate the base model, the stochastic input data and the output data have been explained in the paper Orlic, B., Moghadam, A., Brunner, L., van Unen, M., Wójcicki, A., Bobek, K., van der Valk, K., Wollenweber, J., 2021. A probabilistic well integrity analysis workflow for leakage risk assessment: Case studies for shale gas and re-use for CCS. In proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-15, 15th-18th March 2021, Abu Dhabi, UAE. N/A
TNO/GEUS Isotope compositions in a network of groundwater wells impaired by an underground blowout (Sleen fieldsite, Holland) Site Open Access (under embargo until publication: 30/4/2022) NGDC/UKCCSRC
TNO, GFZ Isotope compositions in a natural gas seep, French Alps (Fontaine Ardente and Rochasson fieldsites) Site Open Access (under embargo until publication: 30/4/2022)​ NGDC/UKCCSRC
TNO, GFZ Isotope compositions of a gas storage site Poland (Borzęcin fieldsite) Site Open Access (under embargo until publication: 30/4/2022) NGDC/UKCCSRC
GEUS Seismological data from Stenlille Natural gas storage facility Site Open Access GEOFON Eida node
GEUS Groundwater chemistry data Site/Simulation Open Access  Center for Open Science (COS)
GEUS, TNO Concentrations of hydrocarbons and inorganic parameters in a network of groundwater wells impaired by an underground blowout (Slean fieldsite, Holland) Site Open Access NGDC/UKCCSRC
UNOTT OpenFOAM solver for the formal upscaling of transport with surface reactions in porous media Simulation Open Access  Github/Zenodo
UNOTT Multi-Rate Mass Transfer (MRMT) model for mobile-immobile transport in porous media using the opensource libary OpenFOAM Simulation Open Access Github/Zenodo
UNOTT Fluid pH and major and minor element data from shale-acidic fluid interaction laboratory experiments Site Open Access NGDC/UKCCSRC
UNOTT Data associated with D5.8 Report on kinetics of enhanced cementation reactions for CO2 leakage remediation and fault healing processes Site Open Access (under embargo until publication) NGDC/UKCCSRC
BGS Vale of Pickering environmental baseline monitoring data - groundwater, seismicity, air composition Site Open Access BGS website
BGS Lancaster environmental baseline monitoring data - groundwater, seismicity, air composition Site Open Access BGS website
BGS/GEUS/Total Groundwater field and microcosm DNA sequence data Site Open Access NCBI nucleotide database 
BGS GeoEnergy Test Bed seismic data Site Currently On Demand  To be uploaded when the dataset is complete (2022). To access the data, the GTB leads (Ceri Vincent BGS and Martyn Barrett UNOTT) should be contacted in the first instance to confirm which data can be shared. These data have been collected at the GTB which is a field laboratory funded by BGS, UNOTT and by Innovate UK via the Energy Research Accelerator project. The GTB has also benefitted through research projects including H2020 SECURe which have funded research using the GTB NGDC/UKCCSRC
BGS Groundwater chemistry for Vale of Pickering, UK Site Open Access (limited dataset due to site/ownership data confidentiality) To be uploaded NGDC/UKCCSRC
BGS Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) data rom the GeoEnergy Test Bed (GTB) Site Currently On Demand  To be uploaded when the dataset is complete (2022). To access the data, the GTB leads (Ceri Vincent BGS and Martyn Barrett UNOTT) should be contacted in the first instance to confirm which data can be shared. These data have been collected at the GTB which is a field laboratory funded by BGS, UNOTT and by Innovate UK via the Energy Research Accelerator project. The GTB has also benefitted through research projects including H2020 SECURe which have funded research using the GTB NGDC/UKCCSRC
GFZ Potsdam Operational datasets, 2008-2013 (injection history,p,T) at the Ketzin CO2 storage site Site Open Access 2008:
GFZ Archive
GFZ Environmental Monitoring Datasets (CO2, Weather Data) from Ketzin Site On Demand N/A GFZ Archive
GFZ Reservoir modelling and simulation data at Ketzin Simulation Confidential N/A N/A
GFZ Borehole Measurements (Geophysical Well Logs) Site On Demand N/A GFZ Archive
GFZ Video Data (Camera Traversal of Cased Holes) Site On Demand N/A GFZ Archive
GFZ Geological Field Data (Stratigraphy, core sample descriptions) Site On Demand N/A GFZ Archive
GFZ Geophysical Monitoring Data Site Confidential N/A GFZ Archive
GFZ Documents and reports Research Confidential N/A GFZ Archive
GFZ PHREEQC batch modelling of CO2-water-rock interactions at the Ketzin CO2 storage site Site/Simulation Open Access GFZ Archive
GFZ Brine injection at the CO2 storage Pilot Site Ketzin, Germany  Site Open Access GFZ Archive
GFZ  / BRGM Seismic Network, 2011–2012 at the Ketzin CO2 storage site Site Open Access GFZ Archive
GFZ Back-production test at the Storage Pilot Site Ketzin, Germany Site Open Access GFZ Archive
GFZ Processed seismic data and ERT inversion models used in the estimation of injected masses for the Ketzin CO2 pilot project for the years 2009 and 2012 Site Open Access GFZ Archive
UEDIN Perceptions of Heat Recovery from Mine Waters Research Open Access To be uploaded Edinburgh DataShare
BRGM Rousse data Site Open Access Data is in the paper
BRGM Oklahoma data - seismicity catalogue  Site Open Access Oklahoma Geological Survey 
BRGM Oklahoma data - injections Site Open Access Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Oil and Gas Division 
BRGM Codes of ETAS analysis Simulation Open Access Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan 
BRGM Code Simulation Open Access To be uploaded Github or similar
BRGM SECURe_data-BRGM_soil-gas-&-soil-flux_2019 Site To be confirmed To be uploaded BRGM servers 
BRGM Isotope composition of alkanes and CO2 obtained from shale degassing experiments and regional monitoring Site Open Access (under embargo until publication) To be uploaded BRGM and NGDC/UKCCSRC
PGI Formation confinement analyses based on available results of laboratory geochemical measurements of brine samples for selected sites Research Open Access​ NGDC/UKCCSRC
PGI Characterization of shale gas wells for well integrity simulations Research Open Access​ NGDC/UKCCSRC
PGI Seismic first breaks for Syczyn seismic survey Site Open Access​ NGDC/UKCCSRC
PGI Groundwater gas sampling and analysis method test results  Research Open Access​ NGDC/UKCCSRC
PGI Soil gas sampling and analysis method test results Research Open Access​ NGDC/UKCCSRC
PGI Post-exploration monitoring of groundwater results on Polish shale gas sites Site Open Access​ NGDC/UKCCSRC
PGI Post-exploration monitoring of soil gas results on Polish shale gas sites  Site Open Access​ NGDC/UKCCSRC
PGI Parallel measurements of methane content in the soil gas samples. Site/Research Open Access​ NGDC/UKCCSRC
AMU Survey on mine-water geothermal in Poland Research Open Access NGDC/UKCCSRC