- Karimi, A. (Poster/Oral), IFPEN. A Combined approach to monitor gas mixtures, containing CO2, in geological systems: aquifers. 26th Conference Thermodynamics 2019, Punta Umbria, Spain.
- Municchi, F. (Paper), UNOTT. Generalised Multi-Rate Models for conjugate transfer in heterogeneous materials. Computational physics
- Municchi, F. (Paper), UNOTT. Macroscopic models for heterogeneous reactions in porous media. Advances in Water Resources
- Paap, B. (Paper), TNO. Simulation of induced seismic ground motions using coupled geomechanical and seismic wave propagation models. Geophysical Journal International
- Ter Heege, J. (Conference Pres), TNO. The geomechanical response of natrually fractured carbonate reservoirs to operation of a geothermal doublet. 52nd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in Seattle, Washington, USA, 17–20 June 2018.
- Icardi, M. (Conference pres), UNOTT. Multiphase multi-rate mass transfer model for anomalous transport in fractured and heterogeneous media. Interpore Annual Meeting, Valencia, May 2019
- Vandeginste, V. (Conference pres), UNOTT. Pyrite dissolution rate in saline fluids and implications for fracking. Goldschmidt Barcelona 18 - 23 August 2019
- Lubas, J. (Conference pres), INIG. 25 Years of Polish Experience in Acid Gas Sequestration. 36th Int. Geological Congress, 2-8 March 2020, Delhi, India
- Municchi, F. (Conference pres), UNOTT. Macroscopic models for heterogeneous reactions in porous media. APS DFD meeting, Seattle, Nov 2019
- Municchi, F. (Conference pres), UNOTT. Generalised multi-rate models for conjugate transfer in heterogeneous media. APS DFD meeting, Seattle, Nov 2019
- Kloppmann, W. (Conference pres), BRGM. A first synthetic overview of EBA criteria including recommendations on the possible integration of isotope techniques in the regulatory framework of EBA. IAEA meeting International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Advancing the Understanding of Water Cycle Processes. 20-24 May 2019, Vienna, Austria
- Jang, E. (Conference pres), GFZ. Reactive transport simulation of contaminant fate and redox transformation” and an overview of the SECURe project. 10th international environment forum for CCS in Seoul, South Korea (July 23-25, 2019)
- Jang, E. (Conference pres), GFZ. Coupled modeling of hydro-geochemical and geophysical data within the SECURe project. OpenGeoSys Community meeting 2019, Leipzig, Germany March 26-27, 2019
- Maury, J. (Conference pres), BRGM. S23E-0681 - Detecting seismicity rate variation using ETAS model for induced seismicity. AGU Fall 10 December 2019, San Francisco, USA
- Taghipour, A. (Conference pres), SINTEF. Well cement integrity testing at field-like conditions. 54th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics symposium, ARMA, Golden, Colorado, 28 June - 1 July 2020
- Kloppmann, W. (Conference pres), BRGM. Recommendations for integrating isotope fingerprinting in Environmental Baseline Assessment as part of regulation on unconventional gas exploration and exploitation. IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Advancing the Understanding of Water Cycle Processes, Vienna, 20-24 May 2019.
- Kloppmann, W. (Conference pres), BRGM. Comment évaluer l’impact de l’exploration et l’exploitation de gaz non conventionnels: Traçage multi-isotopique des fluides salins et des gaz. SFIS2019 – 7ème congrès de la Société Française des IsotopeS, Orsay, France, 2019-11.
- Taghipour, A. (Conference pres), SINTEF. Novel experimental technique for simulating near wellbore integrity challenges at field conditions. GHGT-15
- Orlic, B. (Conference pres), TNO-PGI. A Probabilistic Well Integrity Analysis Workflow for Leakage Risk Assessment and Re-use Selection. GHGT-15
- Phillips, T. (Paper), HWU. Controls on the intrinsic flow properties of mudrock fractures: A review of their importance in subsurface storage. Earth Science Reviews
- Gawal et al. (Paper), SINTEF. Effects of water content and temperature on bulk resistivity of hybrid cement/carbon nanofiber composites. Materials
- Municchi, F., di Pasquale, M., Dentz, M., Icardi, M. (Paper), UNOTT. Heterogeneous multi-rate mass transfer models in OpenFOAM. Elsevier
- Municchi, F. (Software code), UNOTT. multiform: UoN/porousTransportUpscalingFoam: porousTransportUpscalingFoamv2.0. Zenodo
- Municchi, F., Di Pasquale, N., Icardi, M. (Software code), UNOTT. mrmtFoam. Zenodo
- Aochi, H., Maury, J., Le Guenan, T. (Conference pres), BRGM. Detection of rate change of induced seismicity using ETAS model. Fall Meeting of Seismological Society of Japan, “on-line”).
- Kubeyev, A. et al. (Paper), HWU. Numerical modelling od stress-permeability relationships for rough fractures based on surface scans using rock mechanics and Stokes equation.
- March et al. (Paper) HWU. Numerical computation of stress-permeability relationships of fracture networks in a shale rock.
- Phillips et al. (Paper), HWU. A systematic investigation of the control of roughness on the flow properties of 3-D printed fractures. Water Resources Research
- Szott, W. et al. (Paper), INIG. Modelling of the long-term acid gas sequestration and its prediction: A unique case study. Energies
- Moghadam, A. et al. (Paper), TNO. Large-scale hydro-mechanical behavior of 1 casing-cement interfaces with implications 2 for well leakage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
- Bhuiyan, M. H. et al. (Paper), SINTEF. Micro- and Macroscale Consequences of Interactions between CO2 and Shale Rocks. Energies
- Municchi, F., Icardi, M. (Paper) UNOTT. Generalized multirate models for conjugate transfer in heterogeneous materials. Physcial Review Research
- Kloppmann, W., Gal, F., Blessing, M., Fléhoc, C. (Conference abstract), BRGM. Carbon isotopes of vegetation as proxy of natural or anthropogenic gas seeps.
- Ji, Y., Hennissen, J., Hough, E., Vandeginste, V. (Paper), UNOTT/BGS. Geochemical element mobilisation by interaction of Bowland shale with acidic fluids. Fuel