The Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres (BRGM) is leading WP3 on environmental baseline and monitoring strategies and is also contributing to other WPs, including assisting with project management.
BRGM is France’s leading public institution focusing on earth sciences. Its three main activities are scientific research, support for government policy and international cooperation and development. It is a pioneer in CO2 geological storage research, having participated in the first European research project, Joule II, and the first CCS pilots, including Sleipner, Weyburn, In Salah, Nagaoka, Ketzin, Lacq-Rousse and Hontomín. BRGM is also carrying out research activities at natural CO2 fields, such as Montmiral in France, and at natural CO2 seepage areas in Italy, Germany and France.
BRGM’s wide expertise includes site selection and characterisation, predictive modelling, risk analysis, monitoring and safety management. It has been manager of the CO2GeoNet European Network of Excellence and coordinator of the FP7 CGS Europe project, a pan-European initiative on CO2 geological storage involving 34 research institutes over 28 countries.
The Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres (BRGM) is leading WP3 on environmental baseline and monitoring strategies and is also contributing to other WPs, including assisting with project management.
BRGM is France’s leading public institution focusing on earth sciences. Its three main activities are scientific research, support for government policy and international cooperation and development. It is a pioneer in CO2 geological storage research, having participated in the first European research project, Joule II, and the first CCS pilots, including Sleipner, Weyburn, In Salah, Nagaoka, Ketzin, Lacq-Rousse and Hontomín. BRGM is also carrying out research activities at natural CO2 fields, such as Montmiral in France, and at natural CO2 seepage areas in Italy, Germany and France.
BRGM’s wide expertise includes site selection and characterisation, predictive modelling, risk analysis, monitoring and safety management. It has been manager of the CO2GeoNet European Network of Excellence and coordinator of the FP7 CGS Europe project, a pan-European initiative on CO2 geological storage involving 34 research institutes over 28 countries.